Avoiding Founder’s Bias: How to Choose a Digital Marketing Agency

Written/Updated on January 2, 2024
By Bill Schick
Table of Contents

TL;DR: When figuring out how to choose a digital marketing agency, it’s essential to navigate the tricky waters of founder’s bias – the tendency of agencies to favor the expertise of their founders, often at the expense of a balanced marketing approach. This blog dives into understanding founder’s bias, its impacts on agency services, and how it can skew your marketing strategy. We discuss the importance of finding an agency that offers a holistic approach, ensuring all aspects of digital marketing are covered, from SEO and content marketing to social media and beyond.

A few years ago, my team took over the marketing from another agency. They had invested three years with the other group, and at this point, the client wasn’t happy they had to choose a marketing agency again.

During our onboarding process, the client was skeptical about our approach. I wasn’t surprised. 99% of clients are skeptical when they first learn what we do. It’s not your usual agency fare. 

My agency takes a unique and integrated approach to marketing strategy and execution. Their last agency had an SEO playbook, and that was 100% of what they focused on. 

“What’s the problem with that” you might ask? “Playbooks are awesome.” 

Well, yes, they are. But when SEO (or anything other single marketing tactic) is your ONLY playbook, you’re missing out. And in this story, where the client’s product was on the cutting edge of medical innovation, SEO could only take them so far—because people aren’t searching for what doesn’t exist yet. 

SEO wasn’t delivering, because, by definition, it didn’t address the market that had no idea the new device existed. That’s why they brought us in.

And that’s what I want to talk about today: Founder’s Bias

“Digital marketing is like a party. Everyone’s invited, but not everyone knows how to dance.”

Let’s face it, if your business isn’t shimmying on the digital dance floor (taking an omni channel approach to growth and marketing), you’re probably standing alone by the punch bowl. 

But to do this dance, and do it well, you need a dance instructor, guide or a partner (a digital marketing agency). And picking a dance instructor – I mean, a digital marketing agency – isn’t as easy as RSVPing ‘yes’ to the party. 


Ever heard of Founder’s Bias? 


Get comfortable in your chair.

Founder’s bias in digital marketing agencies is like having a dance instructor who only knows the tango when you need to rock the waltz, cha-cha, and maybe a little bit of freestyle. 

Today, I’ll be your guide to sidestepping this one-dance wonder dilemma and show you how to choose a marketing agency that knows the full dance card.

Understanding Founder’s Bias and Its Role in Choosing Digital Marketing Agencies

Founder’s bias is like a chef who only cooks with garlic. Sure, garlic is great, but what about the basil, the thyme, the paprika? 

In agency speak, it’s when an agency excels in the area their founder loves (and knows) best.

They love design? 

Get ready for a visually stunning campaign. 

They’re SEO ninjas? 

Your keywords and backlinks will be on point. 

But what about the rest of the marketing that your business needs to grow?

The Impact of Wearing Rose-Colored Glasses

When your agency views the world through the lens of their favorite discipline, you might miss out on a balanced meal – I mean, marketing strategy. This could mean stunning designs with lackluster copy, or great social media engagement but a website that’s lost faster than a sock in a dryer.

Real-World Examples: A Tale of Different Agencies

Imagine an agency started by a former graphic designer. 

Your brand might look like it walked off a Paris runway, but does it speak to your audience? 

Or an SEO wizard who gets you to page one on Google, but your website reads like a robot wrote it. 

It’s all about balance, and these examples show why.

Let’s look at typical challenges you’ll face when choosing a marketing agency that’s got rhythm in more than just their favorite dance. 

Challenges Clients Face Due to Founder’s Bias

Alright, let’s talk about the three awkward guests at the founder’s bias party:

Over-Specialization: The Wallflower Dancer

Think of this one as a one-trick pony. They can waltz like a dream, but what if you need to boogie? Over-specialization means they might not have the chops to handle the full spectrum of your digital marketing needs. It’s like going to a steakhouse when you’re a vegetarian. Sure, the bread’s good, but where’s the salad?

Mismatch: The Overpromising DJ

Ever been to a party where the DJ promised a night of epic beats but played nothing but slow jazz? Some agencies promise the moon – ‘Sure, we can do SEO, content marketing, social media, and PPC!’ – but when the party starts, you realize they can’t spin all those records. The result? You’re left with a marketing strategy that doesn’t sync with your rhythm.

One-Size-Fits-All: The Playlist Nobody Likes

This is the agency that applies the same strategy to every client, like a DJ with a single playlist for every party. Your business is unique – like a secret favorite dance move. A one-size-fits-all approach might work for some, but for most, it’s about as effective as doing the Macarena at a black-tie gala.

Key Considerations for Choosing a Digital Marketing Agency

Now, let’s turn the music around and find an agency that hits all the right notes:

Identify Your Dance Style (aka Digital Marketing Needs)

Before you start agency shopping, know your style and needs. Are you all about classic elegance (SEO), high-energy moves (PPC), or maybe a groovy social media vibe? Understanding your needs helps you find an agency that can jive with your business goals.

Switching up the metaphor, consider this. The digital world is not a monologue; it’s a sprawling, vibrant conversation happening across various channels – and to grow and drive lead generation, your brand needs to be part of that dialogue. 

Think of it as attending multiple parties at once. 

You can’t just mingle in the living room (say, your website); you need to be out on the patio (social media), in the kitchen (email marketing), and maybe even in that quirky basement (emerging digital platforms). 

This is where a multi-talented marketing agency comes into play. You need a partner that doesn’t just understand these separate ‘rooms’ but knows how to bring the party-goers together. It’s about creating a cohesive experience where your message resonates and echoes, whether it’s through a tweet, a newsletter, or a blog post. 

The goal? 

To ensure your audience hears and engages with your brand’s story, no matter where they are.

But here’s the kicker – it’s not just about being present on all channels; it’s about integrating them so tightly that they move together in harmony, like a well-choreographed dance troupe. 

A good agency knows that an Instagram post shouldn’t just live in isolation; it should be part of a larger narrative that includes your email campaign, your YouTube videos, and your SEO strategy. 

It’s like creating a symphony where each instrument plays its part in a larger, more beautiful piece. This integration ensures that your brand’s voice is consistent, your messaging is impactful, and your audience’s journey is seamless. 

In a world where consumers jump from one channel to another (even in the life sciences), a multichannel approach that’s tightly integrated isn’t just nice to have; it’s a must-have for growth.

Specialized Expertise vs. The Full-Service Dance Academy

Do you need a specialist who can tango with the best of them, or are you looking for a dance school that teaches a bit of everything? Specialized agencies offer depth, while full-service ones offer breadth. Choose based on the dance you want to perfect—or your specific needs.

Checking Their Past Performances (Client Results and Case Studies)

Any agency can claim they’re the best dance instructor in town. 

But can they prove it? 

Dive into their past performances – look at client results, marketing case studies, testimonials. It’s like watching replays of their best dance routines – you’ll see if their moves align with your groove.

Section 4: Red Flags to Watch Out For

As you “foxtrot” through the agency selection process, keep your eyes peeled for these dance floor faux pas:

The Secretive Salsa Dancer (Lack of Transparency)

If an agency is secretive about process, data, or really anything else, beware. 

Transparency in strategy and reporting is key. You should know every step, turn, and dip they plan to make with your marketing. If they’re keeping their moves under wraps, it might be time to find a new dance partner.

The Ghosting Waltzer (Poor Communication)

Ever tried to waltz with a partner who disappears mid-dance? That’s what working with a non-communicative agency feels like. If they’re not responding, not updating, or just plain hard to get a hold of, it’s a sign they might step on your toes rather than glide gracefully with you.

The One-Track DJ (Lack of Customization)

When you choose a digital marketing agency, watch out for the agency that insists on playing the same song for every client. Customization is the key to a successful marketing strategy. Your business isn’t a cookie-cutter; your marketing shouldn’t be either. If they’re not tailoring their approach to your unique rhythm, they’re not the DJ for your party.

Best Practices for Choosing a Digital Marketing Agency

Ready to find an agency that can cha-cha and foxtrot with the best of them? 

Here’s how:

The Savvy Scout (Conducting Research)

Don your detective hat and do some sleuthing. Research potential agencies thoroughly. Read reviews and testimonials, scrutinize their portfolios, and even chat with their current or past clients. It’s like checking the playlist before you hire the DJ.

The Niche Navigator (Relevant Experience)

Say your business is in life sciences marketing. You’ll want an agency that knows how to move in this specific arena. An agency with relevant experience understands your industry’s unique rhythm and can choreograph a strategy that resonates with your audience.

The Balanced Ballroom (Integrated Approach)

Seek an agency that’s like a well-orchestrated ballroom – offering a balanced, integrated approach. They should be able to seamlessly blend SEO, content marketing, social media, and more into a harmonious dance that elevates your brand.

The Culture Match (Fit and Communication)

Last but not least, find an agency whose culture waltzes well with yours. Prioritize clear, effective communication and a working style that matches your own. After all, a great partnership is like a perfect dance – it takes two to tango.

Questions to Before You Choose a Digital Marketing Agency

It’s crucial to have a concrete plan for evaluating potential agencies. Here are some specific questions you should ask:

1. What is your approach to [specific service like SEO, content marketing, etc.]?

Understand their strategies and tactics for the services most important to you.

2. Can you provide examples of successful campaigns you’ve executed in my industry?

This helps assess their experience and success in your specific field.

3. How do you measure success and report results?

Look for agencies that have clear metrics and regular reporting structures.

4. What tools and technologies do you use?

This question reveals their level of sophistication and investment in modern marketing tools.

It’s essential to know how they keep up-to-date in a rapidly evolving field.

6. Can you describe a time when you had to pivot a strategy for a client?

This will help you gauge their adaptability and problem-solving skills.

7. How do you scale strategies for growth?

Understanding their scalability approach is vital for long-term planning.

8. What is your Founder’s background, and how do they stay up to date when everything changes so quickly?

Understanding your agency Founder’s background can give you a sense of where they’re strong and how they’ll prioritize resources and assets.

And if you find an agency Founder with zero background in anything related to marketing (HR and Recruiting absolutely do NOT count as marketing experience), keep looking.

Building a Successful Partnership When You Choose a Digital Marketing Agency

To forge a successful partnership with your digital marketing agency, it’s essential to focus on clear communication, collaborative efforts, and adaptability. 

Here’s how you can do that in more detail:

Setting Clear Expectations and Communication Channels

Define Your Goals and Expectations When You Choose a Digital Marketing Agency: 

Be specific about what you want to achieve. For example, if you’re focusing on SEO, define what success looks like – is it ranking on the first page of Google for certain keywords, or increasing organic traffic by a specific percentage? Clear, measurable goals help your agency understand what you’re aiming for.

Establish Regular Check-Ins and Communication Methods: 

Decide on a communication rhythm that works for both parties. This could be weekly or bi-weekly calls, monthly reports, or quarterly reviews. For instance, you might prefer detailed email updates for ongoing activities and a monthly video call to discuss broader strategies and results.

The Role of Ongoing Collaboration and Feedback When You Choose a Digital Marketing Agency

Encourage a Two-Way Feedback Loop: 

Constructive feedback is vital. Regularly provide your insights on what you think is working or not. For example, if a particular type of content is resonating with your audience, let your agency know so they can produce more of it. Similarly, be open to their suggestions on new tactics or adjustments.

Be Open to Suggestions While Also Voicing Your Concerns and Ideas: 

Treat your agency as a strategic partner. If they suggest a new social media approach based on emerging trends, consider it seriously, even if it’s outside your comfort zone. Similarly, if you have ideas or concerns, such as budget adjustments or targeting a new customer segment, discuss these openly.

Adapting Strategies Based on Results and Market Changes

Work with Your Agency to Regularly Review Campaign Performance: 

Set up a system for regular performance analysis. For example, if you’re running a PPC campaign, review key metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and ROI every month. Use these insights to determine what’s working and what isn’t.

Be Prepared to Pivot Strategies Based on Performance Data and External Market Factors: 

The digital landscape changes rapidly. If a new social media platform starts gaining traction with your target audience, be ready to explore it. Or, if algorithm updates affect your search rankings, work with your agency to adjust your SEO strategy accordingly.

Building a successful partnership with a digital marketing agency requires a balance of clear communication, mutual respect, and flexibility. By setting clear goals, maintaining open lines of communication, collaborating closely, and being adaptable to changes, you can create a fruitful relationship that drives your business forward.

Choose a Digital Marketing Agency and Avoid Founder’s Bias 

Choosing the right digital marketing agency involves a thorough understanding of your own needs, diligent research, and asking the right questions. Look for transparency, relevant experience, a balanced approach, and effective communication. 

Remember, a successful partnership with a digital marketing agency is a two-way street that requires ongoing collaboration and adaptability.

Feeling concerned about your growth being held back by Founder’s Bias? 

Worry not. 

Our agency prides itself on a well-rounded and experienced team led by Bill Schick. Check out Bill’s Bio to see how we maintain a balanced approach in every aspect of digital marketing, ensuring your business gets the comprehensive strategy it deserves.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in guest posts are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of our website or company.

About MESH Interactive Agency

Founded by an experienced life sciences industry veteran, MESH is a digital marketing agency purpose-built to help you accelerate growth at every stage, from innovation to exit. We help life sciences, healthcare and technology companies build their brands, develop and execute marketing strategies, fill their funnels, and develop ground-brealing interactive technology and experiences.

With offices in Cambridge, Boston and Manchester, we’re probably right down the street, or a video call away.

Meet the Author

Bill Schick is a Fractional CMO, Agency Founder, and Life Science industry veteran with direct full-cycle experience from discovery and innovation to IPO and exit.

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